Food and Beverages Sample Script for NCA

Taking Telephone Table Reservation

Receptionist: Good morning! Thank you for calling Grand Hotel. My name is Ana how may I help you today?
Caller:  Hi! I would like to book a table reservation.  
Receptionist: I will be happy to assist you with your reservation. May I have your name please?
Caller: Yes. My name is Mary Gomez.
Receptionist: When would you like to book your reservation Ms Gomez?
Caller: Tomorrow February 14, 2018 at 7pm.
Receptionist: A table for how many persons please?
Caller: A table for 2.
Receptionist: Do you have any special request?
Caller: No
Receptionist: Since it’s Valentines’ Day tomorrow, we offer special heart-shaped cake for only $100 would you like to order one?
Caller : Yes please reserve one cake for me.
Receptionist: May I have your contact number please?
Caller: That’s 0922-111-2222
Receptionist: May I also have your address please?
Caller: Yes, That’s 1st Avenue, Mountain Village, Angels City.
Receptionist: How would you like to settle your bill tomorrow Ma’am? Are you going to use check, card or cash?
Caller: Cash payment please.
Receptionist: All right Ma’am. Let me just verify if I got all the information correctly Ma’am. I have reserved a table for two tomorrow, February 14, 2018 at 7 in the evening. I also reserved one heart-shaped cake that cost $100. This reservation will be under your name, Ms. Mary Gomez. Your contact number is 0922-111-2222 and your address is 1st Avenue, Mountain Village, Angels City.
Caller: That’s correct.
Receptionist: Is there anything else that I may assist you with?
Caller: That would be all. Thanks.
Receptionist: Thank you for having business with us. Have a nice day!
Welcoming Guest

Receptionist: Good morning Mam! Welcome to Grand Hotel. I’m Ana I will be happy to serve you. Are we holding a reservation for you Mam?
Guest: Yes
Receptionist: Under what name please?
Guest: Amy Carter
Receptionist: Please have a seat Ms Carter while I check our records.
(The guest waits at the lounge while the Receptionist checks the reservation record)
(The receptionist gets back to the guest.)
Receptionist:  Miss Amy Carter we have prepared a nice table for you. (open palm, outstretched your hand)This way please. (Walk a little ahead of the guest to lead her way)

Seating the Guest

Receptionist: Will this table be alright with you Mam?
Guest: Yes, this would be perfect
Receptionist: Allow me (pull the chair) Guest will get ready to seat (Please have a seat)
Receptionist: May I unfold your table napkin?
Guest: Yes you may.
Receptionist: (unfold table napkin) Excuse me.

Serving Water:

Waiter: Excuse me Mam. May I serve your cold water?
Guest: Yes, Thank you.
(Waiter will get the pitcher and pour the water goblet 2/3 full)

Serving Complimentary Bread:
Waiter: Excuse me Mam, here’s your complimentary bread roll with butter.
Guest:  Thank you.
(Bring the bread basket, serving fork, serving spoon. Serving fork, spoon and bread are on the bread basket. Bread basket is held on the left palm)

Offering Apetitif

Waiter: Ma’am, would you like to start with an aperitif? We have chilled sparkling wine and margarita cocktail. We also have orange juice and iced tea. Which do you prefer?
Guest: No thanks
Waiter: Alright Ma’am, I’ll be back for the menu.

3. Presenting the food menu and wine list.
Waiter: Excuse me Ma’am. May I present to you our menu and wine list for your selection? I will be back to get your order.
Guest: Thank you.

4. Taking Food Order* I know if you have food restrictions or allergies?
Guest: None, I’d like to have Saigon rolls for appetizer.
Waiter: Ok Ma’am. How about your soup? Would you like to try our mushroom soup topped with savory egg yolk?
Guest: Yes, Give me one serving.
Waiter: How about for your salad? We have Italian salad with cheesy dressing, would you like to try it Ma’am?
Guest: Yes please, for my main course I’d like to have beef steak with vegetable side dish.
Waiter: How would you like your steak be prepared? Is it rare, medium rare or well done?
Guest: Well done please.
Waiter: The beef steak that you ordered would be best complimented with our Carlo Rossi red wine.
               Would you like to try it Ma’am?
Guest: Yes please
Waiter: In a glass or in a bottle?
Guest:    In a glass please
Waiter: How about your dessert? We have a slice of chocolate cream cake with red cherry. Would you
               like to try it Ma’am?
Guest: Sounds great! Yes, I will try that.
Waiter: How about a coffee to compliment your dessert?
Guest:  Yes, give me black coffee please.
Waiter: Is there anything else that you would like to add?
Guest: Nothing else.
Waiter: Do you have any special request Ma’am?
Guest:  None.
Waiter: Alright Ma’am may I repeat your order. You ordered one serving of Saigon Rolls for your
               appetizer, mushroom soup topped with savory egg yolk, Italian Salad with cheesy dressing,  well   done beef steak for your main coarse complimented with a  glass of  Carlo Rossi red wine,
               a slice of chocolate cream cake for your dessert complemented with a cup of black coffee.
               Did I get your order right?
Guest: Yes.
Waiter: Ma’am your order will be served after 15 minutes. May I suggest a glass of champagne or a glass
               of lemon grass juice while waiting for your order to be served?
Guest: No, thanks.
Waiter: Thank you Ma’am. May I get back the menu card please? Thank you. May I leave you for a
Guest: Yes

·         Place the order to the kitchen
·         Dismantle/remove the unnecessary service wares
·         Show plate will remain
·         Use rectangular tray for serving and bussing

5. Serving the Orders
     1. Appetizer (left)
     2. Soup (left)
     3. Salad (left)
     4. Wine (right)
     5. Main course
     6. Dessert
     7. Coffee

Waiter: Excuse me Ma’am, here’s Saigon Rolls for your appetizer
Guest: Thank you
Waiter: Excuse me Ma’am may I leave you for a moment. Enjoy your meal.

After few minutes.
Waiter: Excuse me Ma’am. Are you done with this? May I take this now?
Guest: Yes
(Buss out the fish plate, fish knife, fish fork)
Waiter: Excuse me Ma’am I’ll be back for your soup.
              (Put the Soup bowl and the underliner on the show plate)
  *Kitchen (Use a rectangular tray get the soup tureen and the soup ladle. Serve the soup at the left of the guest)
Waiter: Excuse me Ma’am, here is your creamy mushroom soup topped with savory egg.
              (remove the soup tureen cover, serve the soup using a soup ladle)
Waiter: Enjoy your soup Ma’am.
(After a few minutes)
Waiter: Excuse me Ma’am are you done with this? May I take this now?
              ( Buss out the soup bowl and underliner, bread plate and butter knife)
Waiter: Excuse me Ma’am I’ll be back with your salad.
              ( Get the plated salad, use a rectangular tray)
Waiter: Excuse me Ma’am here is your Italian Salad with cheesy dressing. Enjoy your salad Ma’am.
( After few minutes, buss out)
Waiter: Excuse me Ma’am. Are you done with this? May I take this now?
Guest: Yes

              (Buss out the salad plate, salad knife and salad fork)
Waiter: Excuse me Ma’am would you like to have your first red wine Carlo Rossi before we serve your
               main course?
Guest:  Yes, please.
Waiter: Shall I serve it now?
Guest: Yes please.
Waiter: Excuse me Ma’am I will be back with your Carlo Rossi red wine.
              ( Get the wine bottle, cork screw/waiter’s friend, put table napkin on your arm, another extra
                table napkin for wiping the wine bottle)

Serving Wine
Waiter: May I present to you your order of Carlo Rossi red wine, a good vintage of 1999 with alcohol
               content of 5% and originated from South Africa. Shall I open the bottle for you?
Guest: Yes please
             ( Open the bottle using a cork screw, wipe the bottle mouth and get the cork)
Waiter: Here’s the cork Ma’am for your evaluation. Would you like to taste it first?
Guest: Yes please
Waiter: How’s the taste Ma’am?
Guest: It tastes good.
Waiter: May I pour your glass?
Guest:  Yes please
              ( Pour ¾ wine)
Waiter: Enjoy your wine Ma’am . I’ll be back for your main course.
(After few minutes)
Waiter: Excuse me Ma’am, are you ready for your main course?
              (Put the dinner plate)
Waiter: Excuse me Ma’am here is your well done beef steak. Enjoy your meal Ma’am.

3- Minute Check (While guest is eating main course)
Waiter: Excuse me Ma’am how’s the taste of our house specialty?
Guest: It tastes good!
Waiter: Thank you for appreciating our house specialty, enjoy your meal Ma’am!
(After a minute)
Waiter: Excuse me Ma’am. Are you done with this? May I take this now?
Guest: Yes
( Buss out the dinner plate including the show plate fork and knife. Ask the guest: Would you like to have another glass of wine? If the guest don’t want another glass of wine, buss out the wine glass)

(Get the table napkin, a small plate and a folded cloth. Remove the crumbs from the table)
Waiter: Excuse me Ma’am, may I clean your table?
Guest: Yes
              ( Clean the table. Adjust the dessert spoon and fork)
Waiter: Excuse me Ma’am, I’ll be back for your dessert.
Guest: Excuse me Ma’am here is your chocolate cream cake with cherry on top. Enjoy your dessert

Waiter: Excuse me Ma’am I will be back with your coffee.
              (Get the coffee pot and sugar container)
Waiter: Excuse me Ma’am here is your black coffee
             (After a few minutes)
Waiter: Excuse me Ma’am. Are you done with this? May I take this now?
Guest: Yes.
              (Buss out the dessert plate, fork and spoon , coffee cup, underliner and spoon)

6. Presenting the Bill
Waiter: Excuse me Ma’am may I present your bill.
              ( Guest will get bill and pay)
Waiter: Thank you Ma’am for paying exact amount.

7. Bidding Goodbye
Waiter: Thank you Ma’am for dining with us. We look forward for your next visit.

Taking Room Service Order
Room Service Staff:  Thank you for calling Room Service! Good morning! This is Ana Speaking. How may
                                      how may I help you?
Guest: I would like to order breakfast.
Room Service Staff: I will be happy to take your order Ma’am. May I have your name and room number
Guest: Monica Gomez of  Room 101.
Room Service Staff: Thank you for that information  Ms Gomez.  (Get your pen and order slip ready)
                                     We offer two types of breakfast. We have Continental breakfast and American
                                      breakfast. Continental breakfast includes bread rolls, butter , jam and coffee.
                                     American breakfast includes beef steak, egg, cereal and milk. Which do you prefer
                                      Ms Gomez?
Guest: I would like to have the American breakfast.
Room Service Staff: Alright you will have American breakfast which includes beef steak, egg, cereal and
Room Service Staff: How would you like your beef steak be prepared? Rare, medium rare, or well done?
Guest: Well done.
Room Service Staff: How about the egg. How would you like the egg be prepared? Boiled, porched or
Guest: Fried please and the milk should be hot.
Room Service Staff: Alright Ma’am, may I repeat your order.You will have American style breakfast
                                     which includes well done beef steak, fried egg, cereal and hot milk.
Guest: Yes, that’s right
Room Service Staff: We have a special spicy leche flan for dessert Ms Gomez would you like to try it?
Guest: No, thanks.
Room Service Staff: ( Check whether there are other guest with whom the guest will dine with so you
                                         can prepare extra glass or plate)
Room Service Staff: For how many persons are we going to prepare Ma’am?
Guest: For one person only.
Room Service Staff: Alright Ms Gomez your American breakfast will be delivered within 15 minutes at

                                     RM 101. Thank you for your order . Have a nice day!

Preparing /Assembling Room Service Orders

Continental breakfast, the following are necessary;
One piece of each of the following:
- Center piece & salt and pepper shaker
- Breakfast plate
- Warm cup and saucer (cup is kept in warmer until ready for service
- Coffee or tea pot
- Colin glass with ¾ water to avoid from spilling and covered to keep from dust)
- Pitcher with water wrapped in cloth and covered to keep from dust.
- Sugar and Creamer container
- Table napkin (Folded in Fancy Fold)
- Inserted in the table napkin are: bread knife, butter knife, spoon for the marmalade, teaspoon for the coffee.

Continental Breakfast consist of:
-          Bread  ( Toasted/plain)
-          Butter
-          Jam/ honey
-          Coffee  (black, with cream)

American breakfast, the following are necessary;
One piece of each of the following:
- Center piece & salt and pepper shaker
- Breakfast plate
- Warm cup and saucer (cup is kept in warmer until ready for service
- Coffee or tea pot
- Colin glass with ¾ water to avoid from spilling and covered to keep from dust)
- Pitcher with water wrapped in cloth and covered to keep from dust.
- Sugar and Creamer container
- Table napkin (Folded in Fancy Fold)
- Cereal Bowl
- Salad plate
- Inserted in the table napkin are: bread knife, steak knife, spoon for the boiled egg, spoon for cereal, teaspoon for the coffee.

American Breakfast consist of:
-          Meat (Steak) (Rare, Medium Rare, Well done)
-          Egg (boiled, porched , scrambled, sunny side up)
-          Cereal
-          Coffee (black, with cream)
-          Salad  (French, Vinaigrette or Thousand Island)
-          Orange Juice ( Chilled, with ice)

Delivering and Serving Room Service Orders
Make sure there is no DND sign
Knock 3 times (gently)

Room Service Staff: Room Service!
( Guest will open the door)
Room Service Staff: Good morning Ma’am! Here’s your breakfast. May I come in?
(Once inside the room. Leave the door open unless the guest orders you to close it.)

Room Service Staff: Shall I leave  the food on the trolley or do you want it to be transferred on your
Guest: Please transfer it on the table.
Room Service Staff: ( Set up the table)
( After setting up the table, offer personalized service)

Room Service Staff: May I uncover your meal?
                                      May I pour in your coffee?
                                      May I pull the curtain for you?
                                      How’s the room temperature? Would you like me to adjust it for you?
                                      Do you have any special request?

(If the guest wants to eat later, leave the food in the heater)

( Present the bill folder with the figure faced down  as you say)
  Room Service Staff: May I present the bill.

( It is assumed that the waiter or Room Service Staff has been told beforehand the billing status of the guest if he has to pay in cash or allowed to sign)

Guest : Here’s the payment. (Exact amount)

Room Service Staff: Thank you for paying exact amount.

(Before leaving)
( Make sure that the heater is turned off as this may cause fire)

Room Service Staff: Ms Gomez, when would you want me to come back to clear the soiled dishes?
Guest:  After 30 minutes.
Room Service Staff: Alright Ms Gomez. If you have any request please feel free to call Room Service at

                                     8888 and we’ll be happy to assist you. Enjoy your meal!

Service of Door Knob Menus

1. Door knob menus are placed inside the guestrooms by room attendants.
2. After filling up the door knob menu, the guest will hang it in his door knob to be picked up by the
    room service waiter.
3. Captain must counter check the room number with that indicated in the door knob menu to prevent
    mistakes in the delivery or orders.
4. Collected door knob menus are to be endorsed to captain or order taker for the recording and
    preparation of receipts.
5. Doorknob orders are endorsed to waiter for the mis-en-place preparation.
6. Captain should closely monitor the service time and see to it that the delivery of order is done on the
     time requested, especially for door knob orders.

Clearing Procedures
1. The waiter who serves the food order is required to clear soiled dishes, trays and trolleys from the
2. Upon pick up, busboy or waiter must check whether all equipment indicated in the control sheet are
     available for pick up.
3. If there are missing items and the waiter is inside the room, he must locate for the missing item.
     If the guest is inside the room, tactfully ask him/her assistance in locating the items. Report to the     
     captain any recovered item for proper recording.
4. Captain should assign one busboy or waiter to pick up all soiled dishes, trays and trolley lying on floors
     and hallways.
5. The waiter or busboy who is assigned to pick up trays/trolley should also check pantry area for un-
     cleared items.
6. All collected tray/ trolley are to be bought to the dishwashing   area, segregated according to kinds and
7. Segregate linen and bring them to the linen box of the room service.

                                 Star Hotel and Restaurant
Food and Beverage Department Room Service Control Sheet

Room No.
Guest Name
Supplies Delivered to room
Time of Pick Up

Note: Control Form is a tool for monitoring the movement of supplies in the guestrooms. It lists down what is delivered to what is delivered to what room and the time of delivery and pick up. In the “remark” portion, the waiter can indicate if items have been cleared from the room.


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