
Showing posts from January, 2024

Taking Room Service Order

Taking Room Service Order Room Service Staff:   Thank you for calling Room Service! Good morning! This is Ana Speaking. How may how may I help you? Guest:  I would like to order breakfast. Room Service Staff:  I will be happy to take your order Ma’am. May I have your name and room number please? Guest:  Monica Gomez of  Room 101. Room Service Staff : Thank you for that information  Ms Gomez.  (Get your pen and order slip ready)  We offer two types of breakfast. We have Continental breakfast and American breakfast. Continental breakfast includes bread rolls, butter , jam and coffee. American breakfast includes beef steak, egg, cereal and milk. Which do you prefer Ms Gomez? Guest:  I would like to have the American breakfast. Room Service Staff : Alright you will have American breakfast which includes beef steak, egg, cereal and  milk. Room Service Staff : How would you like your beef steak be prepared? Rare, medium rare, or well done? Guest:  Well done. Room Service Staff : How about th

Checklist for Russian Service Practicum

Russian Table Service Practicum Checklist 1. The waiter greeted the guest using the restaurant's standard spiel. 2. The waiter assisted the guest to the table 3. The waiter asked the guest if the table is good enough for him or her. 4. The waiter offered to unfold the table napkin 5. The waiter offered and properly served cold water. 6. The waiter filled the water glass with 2/3 full water 7. The waiter served the complimentary bread properly using serving spoon and fork. 8. The waiter offered apperitif. 9. The waiter presented the menu. 10. The waiter checked if the guest has food restrictions or allergies. 11. The waiter listed all tye orders of the guest from soup to dessert in a triple copy order slip. 12. The waiter offered complimentary wine for the main dish. 13. The waiter asked the guest for his or her preferred specific type of food preparation and drinks. 14. The waiter asked the guest if there is anything else the guest would like to add. The waiter did suggestive selli